CBM As Context

CBM As Context

I began meditating in November of 2012 and my practice has evolved into what it is today by focusing on ‘me’. And CBM has become the first step in my formal practice for setting the context of what it means to be me.

C is for Coin. The coin represents me as a conscious body. My body in the world on one side with its conscious representation of my body in the world on the other side. Two different things co-existing as one ‘me’.

B is for Battery. The battery is an example of how when specific materials are assembled in a specific way, something else becomes available. In the case of the battery its charge. In the case of the brain, its consciousness. In both cases, they are two different things co-existing as one thing, A charged battery, and a conscious brain.

M is for Mirror. The mirror helps with an understanding of consciousness, its contents, and the relationship between the two. The contents of consciousness change in similar ways that reflections change on the surface of a mirror.

The Coin, The Battery, and The Mirror (CBM) are the three props I’ve put together to assist me in setting the context of my meditation practice. Feel free to use them in your own practice for deeper insight or perhaps they will inspire you to come up with some new props of your own.